Category: News
Start maintenance work Spanish Lagoon Bridge
Entrante el lunes 25 de Julio de 2022 CIC iniciara con los trabajos preventivas al Puente Green Corridor Spaans Lagoon.
Este Puente fue construido en el año 2017. Según nuestra programa de Mantenimiento este año se atenderá el mantenimiento preventiva para atender las oxidaciones y consecuentemente colocar un nuevo sistema de protección anticorrosiva a la estructura metálica. Este año se atendera la parte superior del puente para así continuar el próximo año con fase 2 para lo demás del puente. CIC aprovecha la temporada de vacaciones para realizar estos trabajos.
Los trabajos tendrían una duración de 2 semanas. Entrante el lunes de 9:00 am hasta las 7:00 pm el puente va estar cerrada para los usuarios con excepción a los servicios de emergencia ( Bomberos, KPA y Ambulancia).
Después de las 7 de la noche el puente será parcialmente abierta al trafico.
La desviación seria por el puente vieja de Spaans Lagoen (Tele Aruba) y Sabana Basora / Franse Pas.
De parte de CIC y el subcontratista AMAST se hace la solicitud a la comunidad de Aruba, que conduzcan con cuidado teniendo en cuenta los trabajos en altura y cuidándose de su propia seguridad y de los obreros/trabajadores en obra.
In October 2021, we had to get our ISO 9001:2015 recertification, seeing that this is a requirement that needs to be met every 2 years. We are proud as a team to have been able to pass this Audit successfully with 0 non-Conformities. We strive to always work organized, structured and in the most effective and efficient way possible, taking care of our environment, our shareholders, and our group of employees.
Works on Pedestrian Bridge in Pos Chikito
During the month of July, preventive maintenance activities were performed at the pedestrian bridge in Pos Chikito.
The activities that were executed this year were the following:
- Preventive Maintenance work on the Spanish Lagoon Bridge
- Installation of New Jerseys on the Cycle path
- Asphalt repair
- Cleaning traffic signs
- Asphalt cleaning
- Pruning
- Cleaning
Sustainability Awareness Training and Recycling Plants Visits
One of our main focus is to create sustainability awareness in our employees and this year we started by visiting 2 recycling plants here on the Island to get more information on the subject and start giving introductory training to our staff, so we can slowly introduce sustainability practices in our work activities as well.
In the month of May a Colombian company with expertise in pavement came to the Island to have some functional and structural evaluations done on the type of pavement in our project and to analyze and determine the life span of the pavement and finally be able to submit a maintenance plan to the Green Corridor.
Wacker Neuson 5055L (with Broom)
As a result of the construction phase being concluded, CIC acquired new equipment that will be required in the maintenance phase. Based on this assessment CIC purchased a Wacker loader which will help save on activities such as road cleaning, de-weeding at the median, and cleaning of the berms/verges can be performed with the same machine. The acquisition of this new machine will also enhance the safety of our personnel on the road by reducing exposure time on the roads and lowering the risk of any incident or accident involving our personnel.
Installing Cat Eyes at Seroe Teishi
One of the situations that we have encountered in Seroe Teishi roundabout is seeing drivers who have been misusing the roundabout, generating high chances of causing an accident, disrespecting the vertical and horizontal signs that inform you to reduce speed. It was proposed to install cat eyes that apart from illuminating the road, also create discomfort for road users when driving over them.
De Weeding
In June we continued with our routine activities. Starting the second round of de-weeding on the sidewalks, median and in the side walks.
Ban hasi ehersicio y yuda esnan den necesidad
In June 2020 Green Corridor partner up with Watty Vos Boulevard to organize a walk and run event to race funds for different organizations as Red Cross, Kiwanis, and FPNC Aruba.